OK. I'm heading to Mama's tomorrow. VERY excited. A couple of days with the family, then a national meeting in Chicago - in which I get to present - and then I'm bringing my niece home with me. VERY excited. My first visitor - except for the great Lee Ann helping me get settled. (which I will always be grateful for.)
But...as is normal with me and especially my life now, I'm not completely ready. Oh, the living room is as together as I can get it until I move the cable into the spare room. The kitchen? Except for a valance it's done. Dining room? Done.
Now...the bedrooms. There's the problem. There is this huge honkin' bed that needs to be put together. However, I need to clear out the spare room to move a couple of chairs in there to make room for the big honkin' bed. Pulled boxspring and mattress off but can't get that flippin' bed frame apart. Waiting right now for the maintence guy to show up and just get it out of here.
I had pulled a bunch of stuff out to make room for the removal. One thing was the air mattress I bought when I moved out here. I moved it into the doorway of the guest bath. Then promptly fell asleep.
Got up and wandered into the bathroom and caught my foot in the mattress. Went down SO hard I actually hit my chin on the bathtub and knocked myself out. Yes...yes I did.
Luckily for me no broken teeth or jaw. Just a concussion. Oh, and a really messed up foot.
This was taken the next morning. At this point the entire top of my foot is black and I won't tell you how much it hurts. It's rather obvious.
So, in Typical Tammi Fashion I am my own worst enemy.
What isn't done isn't going to get done. I will put Heather to work while she's here. She can help me put that bed together. But hanging curtains, any other lifting or moving? Yeah...that'll wait until I heal.
For cryin' out loud.....this is just stupid.
Anyway - this trip should be interesting, to say the least. Oh, and that meeting I'm presenting at? Yeah....it's the national safety committee.
Irony knows no bounds when it comes to me..........
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